Growing up by the coast, i had to learn about tsunamis, especially because there were earthquakes in my town pretty often
When a tsunami is on its way to the land, water from the beaches disappear. it recedes far back into the sea, and if you see a straight blue line at the horizon, you have to go into higher land.
with this knowledge, as an anxious kid, i have imagined over and over what would happen and what i would do.
i imagined the moment the water disappears from the coast, and I am standing there knowing what is about to happen. the moment in between where time stops, and your soul goes into suspension. and i know what is next.
i feel like our current society, our economy, our planet, our relationships, our basic needs are all being sucked out of, like the water at the shore. people have to juggle multiple jobs to survive, choosing between paying bills or eating, our mental health is deteriorating, companies have more power than politics and far far off the land, a big wave is forming, a wave that will wash the shore and anything beyond it.
i am standing, as one of many people, suspended. the water is receding, but i don’t know how much this tsunami will take before i see the line at the horizon. the more it grows, the bigger the devastation.
i sit here and wait. i look around me but somehow, no one looks in panic.
when i close my eyes, screaming, crying, desperation washes around me. the air feels heavy. there is tension in the air, among our people, among humans. we are in panic, we fight each other, we forget who we are.
and i can only surrender.
may the tsunami that will wash over us will bring the peace we need. maybe this time we get to be free. maybe this time we get to be humans.