in honor of my last green tea

this post is dedicated to my abs fav tea in the world. Kobs green tea.

every time i visit sweden, i send back 5 packages of this tea. the flavours are grounding and remind me of a safe home.

i started drinking this tea at the beginning of my relationship with my partner. i didnt pay so much attention to tea before that, but the more i learnt about them the more i loved drinking them. i have shared the most fulfilling conversations over cups of tea: at my friends place, my parents, my family, work, hobbies, in nature, in all kind of settings, at any time.
i just wanted to share that this is one of the best green teas out there. no grassy taste. not bitterness (if you boil the water at max 80° ;) ). only vibes.

if you ever get the chance to try it, do it.

i am choosing to not buy more of this tea to get out of my comfort zone. i have it easy to not explore beyond what works, but uncomfortableness is like a muscle, the more i train it the easier it becomes. this year i am doing more scary things, and even if this time is just a tea, it paints a small part in a bigger picture.

having my own blog is also scary, but the reward is far greater! i am excited to try new teas, explore other herb blends, visit stores, choosing, tasting and perhaps document them, who knows <3


I am also finding it hard to create anything with the pressure i have on me as a member of society.

work makes me so tired, and lately ive been exhausted. my life consists of a walking loop, a grind.

i am focusing on the long term, soon ill be out of this cycle permanently to do as i please but the road there is currently not easy. i believe in myself, walking forward, i am not alone. when life does get tough i try to focus on small things that make me happy, like the sun setting a bit later every day and soon ill be able to paint more! i dont have any extra lights where i paint and i rely on natural light lol but next winter ill try to get a studio lamp or something to see while in the dark. in the meantime, i paint whenever im at home in the middle of the day (and when my energy allows me).

if you’re reading this, just know life is tough sometimes but we’re in this together. we are nature, with every contraction, expansion is next. and with every expansion, contraction comes.

enjoy the ride as much as possible, make yourself cozy and remember to document your journey :*

with love, sipping the last of my tea with grace




doing what i can with what i have

