doing what i can with what i have

this week has been busy

but one sentence that kept coming back to me was

doing what i can with what i have

at work, at home, mentally, physically. i never aim to push myself, i am no superhuman. neither above or below my abilities. just enough.

by practicing compassion, life is all of the sudden so much bearable. if i dont have the energy, i spend it on what matters(resting). i am here for the long run, there is no reason to rush things. i am exactly where i am supposed to be in my journey, and what i seek will find me. its a symbiotic relationship. my path unfolds in response to my actions and mindset.

As long as I try, the universe will always be on my side. As long as I know where I am going, the odds will always be on my side. As long as I want, everything will work itself out. As long as I Trust.

here’s a song for all of you, listen with your soul<3

hermanos gutierrez - El Bueno y El Malo




dune by Frank Herbert


in honor of my last green tea