dune by Frank Herbert
I started reading dune after the release of the second movie of David Villeneuve. I got so hypnotized by the story, the art and execution I wanted to understand the movie on a deeper level. This got provoked specially in the scene where Paul and Jessica are running across the sand and a worm is following them, when they reach the stone the worm raises itself up, and just stares at Paul. I needed to know what was going on behind those thoughts.
the movies are very good interpretations of the first book. I am curious to see what David Villeneuve comes up as a third movie to wrap it up. his artistic choices are beautiful and mesmerizing.
in the books, the story is around the spice melange, the Bene Gesserit and the politics of humanity.
The Bene Gesserit is an female only group that governs behind the scenes in the political world. since the discovery of the spice melange, one of the things humanity unlocks is intergalactic space traveling, making it one of the most valuable substance that cant be artificially reproduced. In the desert planet Arrakis (Dune), where the spice is created, these giant worms live there.
Thanks to the spice, the Bene Gesserit are able to control human evolution, choosing how to position their chess pieces by being master manipulators. They grow up very disciplined and learn everything about human communication, to the point where they can tell when someone is not speaking the truth.
In their massive genetics program, they predict that there could be a possibility for a Kwisatz Haderach, a male Bene gesserit with the powers of a Revenent mother, a Bene Gesserit that has gone through a transformation (agony). Things happen and he comes, and the rest of the story is about what happens and what it leads to.
Frank Herbert is very political and philosophical in these books, with the help of his wife Beverly Herbert he writes these stories as political and spiritual statements touching into religion and economics. the whole story is from the perspectives of different characters, understanding them from different perspectives. there is no constant hero in the whole series, (or is it? ;) ), the only thing constant is the spice and the worms.
he writes and explains political happenings throughout millennia, exploring the evolution of different governance systems. What happens when politics, religion and capitalism go together, against and apart.
the 6 books do not end in a complete story. Herbert said the first 4 are a story, and there would be a trilogy after God emperor of Dune(4th book), but after the second book he died, so the last book (6th) is more of an open ending open to interpret as you wish. After Herberts death, his son co-wrote 2 more books to wrap up the series. For now I wont read them, I like having an open ending. I will read them if i ever want to dive back into the world of Dune.
While reading the book, I didn’t understand why he was so redundant in some descriptions and conversations. Some talks were long and boring, feeling like they were not leading anywhere. but looking back, I now understand the impact he was trying to make. he writes in a way that helps you understand what it means to see and experience this universe from a deeper layer. The feelings, smells and visuals that these characters experienced.
I had fun reading the books. I loved how Herbert took me into this space journey filled with possibilities. some pieces of art are more remarkable because a lot of art afterwards take inspiration in said art. this book is one of them.
the book serie is not perfect, and there are some questionable scenes but the big picture was interesting to read. if you like sci-fi, politics and religion, i definitely recommend it.
if you’re not into anything i’ve written in this post, then the book is not for you hahaha. if you read it let me know :) would love to discuss anything, i have a lot to say! perhaps in the future i might write a review for each book.
here is a song that i was listening at the same period of time i read Children of dune / God Emperor of Dune that i think paints the vibe accurately:
Mono/Poly - Ra Rise
i hope you enjoyed this book review,
“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
— Frank Herbert