live and be kind (to yourself)

the power of journaling is far greater than i ever imagined.

imagine you go grocery shopping, and you hold all of your items in your hands and arms without any basket, eventually things fall through and away, but your arms are so full there is not much to do besides hoping nothing else falls. journaling is like the basket for your brain. a place where you can dump anything you need without any judgement, because the only one reading/holding it is yourself.

within the pages, i explore my mind freely. the same way birds fly the winds, i fly the waves of my existence with the pen on the paper. journaling is not about collecting pages or notebooks, but to collect thoughts, ideas, inspirations, motivations and helping me understand my human experience. by journaling, i remember that life is not that serious and we are here to live it like it is presented to us. if it was supposed to be different, life would then be different.

for a long time i've been afraid to do anything because i was afraid of existing. as with many of others, i had to re-parent myself throughout my whole life, and the older i get the more i understand that i have been truly needing to deconstruct anything I’ve ever been taught, and re-learn it again. we live in other times today and different times requires different approaches. although life is still life, as humans we are going through this technological revolution at the same time as this worldly reinvention within the socio-economical and political structure. we are at a critical point where we can actually see history being made (for the better and worse). no one has ever experienced this, no one really has the answer.

What is so unique about this round is that we have the epitome of knowledge reachable by our fingertips. We have achieved a peak of capitalism, where anyone can educate themselves regardless of age, gender or any description of a human. Today, I don’t have to have money to know something. I don’t need to find a school, a mentor or an education to get an overall understanding on whichever area i’d like to learn about. although not everyone has access to it, the only thing needed is internet, and the more we move into the future we’re shaping, the more accessible its becoming and even more people will get to enjoy humanities’ database.

if you had a genie that could answer any questions you could ever possibly ask, what would you ask? And what would you do with that knowledge?

Journaling is trusting you are the genie, and by exploring your mind and feelings, you find the answers to your questions. some take more time than others, some take more wisdom than others, but eventually you will look back and see that all you needed was patience. The quality of your answer lies within the quality of your questions.

by journaling, i understand that my life is mine to live, i don’t have to conform to any expectations (besides having an income to pay life, we haven’t come that far yet).

I am an echo of everything ive seen, experienced, loved, interacted. I am an echo of everything and nothingness. I acknowledge that I am not more or less than anyone because stripped from our experiences, we are humans walking on earth, and this miracle is something we can’t take for granted. So far, we have not found life in any other planet. Barely water. Imagine the perfect chaos for this to happen.

journaling also helps to go beyond words. are my thoughts gibberish? i paint them, form them, mold them, anything to take them out of my brain into existence.

once you understand there is no shame, you can be anyone.

there is not right or wrong, just perceptions of them. as long as you live, let live and be kind to one another, you are free to be whichever human you choose. Life is diversity and without it we would not exist, so embrace anything weird that sticks out within yourself. hold it and nourish it, when it speaks to you, it will show you what infinite love is.

summan av kardemumman (sum of the cardamom in swedish): journal for your mind. you’re enough, i am enough, we are all living this life for the first time :*

don't be afraid of your thoughts, they have to come out to let go.

Kind regards,


2025 playlist


dune by Frank Herbert