Let the dancers dance

Let the dancers dance, the musicians make music and the painters paint.

All decisions in life has led you to this exact moment in time. All your ancestors choices still ripple down for generations, with you and with whoever comes after you.

The way you make your coffee, the way to breathe the air around you, how the oxygen is transported in your blood. The iron levels and the color of your eyes.

And this is true for everyone on this planet and beyond it. There are no wrong choices, what matters is how we deal with the choices we make.

we all make choices, but at the end, our choices make us.

We exist all at the same time, in the same reality. Like the place in our brains, lets make it as comfortable as possible, so we can open our hearts without fear of being hurt. To open our minds to receive all we are meant to.

So let the dancers dance, the dreamers dream, and the people exist.

- Amanda


Finally, a corner


The magic around us